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Βρέθηκαν: 17834 αποτελέσματα.
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List of Records

Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Τύποι Υλικού
2008-02-25The future of the past: a history book you can walk through text
2008-01-25The Forgotten 'Cradle to Grave' welfare state: a comparison of local and national health care text
2008-01-22The Ensenada Cadastre: a documentary on the urban structure of cities in the Castile of the Old Regime (1749-1757) text
2008-03-03The discipline of ambition: norms and trajectories in the literary life of 18th century Copenhagen text
2008-02-20The Brussels music scene, 1740-1780: expression of an urban or a courtly-aristocratic culture? text
2008-01-28The Big Lift: image and identity in blockaded Berlin text
2008-01-21The (self-) perception of historic city: case study of the Finnish world heritage city old Rauma text
2008-01-21Teaching urban history in Italian Universities text
2008-02-12Women at risk’ and ‚migrating’ men: welfare at the train station in Berlin around 1900 text
2008-02-20Who is provincial?: reciprocal influences in architectural culture between Vienna and the capital cities of the Habsburg Empire text
2008-01-29Urbanism and housing in the eighteenth-century Chaussée d’Antin text
2007-12-19Urban stability and civic liberties: two fundamental concepts and the practice of crime control in early modern European cities (1400-1800) text
2008-01-28Urban renewal politics from a "modern city state": a coruna metropolitan area in NW Spain text
2008-01-28Urban property and administration in dispute in the nineteenth-century Ottoman Empire: Ayvalık, 1877-1914 text
2008-01-18Urban images and representations during the 20th century in Europe and beyond: introduction text
2007-12-18Urban green space in Helsinki 1900-1950: roles, implications and fuctions text
2008-01-17Urban change and transformation of sociability text
2008-02-12Uncommon threads: the role of oral and archival testimony in the shaping of urban public art text
2008-02-27Two "Swedish" fortification towns and their population in the early 18th century text
2008-01-15Transformations et constructions dans la Ville de São Paulo au passage du XIXe au XXe siècle: le rôle du petit commerce text
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