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Ακριβής αναζήτηση:
Βρέθηκαν 255 αποτελέσματα.
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Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Συγγραφέας
2006 EIB Forum Athens, 19-20 October 2006 Tellini, Giorgio
2006 EIB Forum Athens, 19-20 October 2006: Perspectives of the Region - A View from Politics Rupel, Dimitrij
1995 Emerging corporate tax law in Hungary in the light of the approximation of EU Law Deak, Daniel
1997-04 Ernst Jandl Catalano, Gabriella
2003 EU Enlargement and Approaches to Regional Policy Cappellin, Riccardo
2009 European Integration and Peripheral Disparities in Greece. The way ahead Kavvadia, Helen
2003 Foundational beliefs in psychotherapy:A response to Alvin Mahrer Feltham, Colin
1961 Geschichte Der Staatsangehôrigkeit Schatzel, Walter
2003-01 Giordano Bruno και η επιστημονική αλήθεια Selleri, Franco
2007-12-18 Historic cities and conservation in Germany: the use of green spaces in Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1925-90 Meller, Helen
1979 Homere, Platon et survivances litteraires de l'epiclerat Karabelias, Ev.
1991 Hygiene mentale, systeme penal: le docteur jekyll et mister hyde? Kellens, George
2011 International Trade and Business Practices: A comparative attempt in the apparel market Kavvadia, Helen
1968 Introduction a une sociologie des doctrines economiques des physiocrates a John Stuart Mill Bernard, Michel
2000 IntroductionThe self as motive Gonida, Eleftheria
1998 It is necessary to revise Article 31 of the Greek Constitution and adäpt the equality of the two sexes (Article 9, par. 2 of the Greek Constitution) Bessila-Makridi, Elizabeth
2007-01 Jacop van Ruisdael: master of landscape Ruisdael, Jacop van (1628-1682)
1961 Judicial Protection Of Foreign Investments Hohenveldebn, Ignaz Seidl
1989 L' activite de la Societe Hellenique de Criminologie en 1989 Serassis, Telemaque
1961 La Guerre Juste Selon la "tactique"De l’empereur Byzantin Léon vi le Sage (Resume) Michaelidis-Naouros, George
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